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10 Major Website Design Issues

10 Major Website Design Issues

  • 431

Creating an appealing and conversion-generating web design is a tough skill to master, and many businesses find it difficult to get one. While you may prioritize a web design that looks good, it should also enhance your conversion rate.

Maintaining repeat website design mistakes is itself a mistake. If you want to increase web traffic and leads, then identify those mistakes.

Fixing any issue is not rocket science. You just need to put in the time and effort to achieve your desired results. Otherwise, it will be tough for customers to shop or send queries through your website.

Here are some of the website design issues that are the biggest hurdle to your online success.  Starting out from the significant issues.

Web Design Responsiveness Issue

Responsive website design is of great importance to any website.

With responsive design, you ensure that users with different devices have easy access to your website.

Google recommends that a website should be optimized for all devices.

If your website has responsive web design issues, you can miss out on web traffic and leads from different devices.

You need to understand that each device has a specific experience optimized for it, so build a website by keeping this in mind.

No Use of Favicon

You must think like an online visitor to identify design issues on your website.

Most web visitors prefer to open many tabs while browsing the Internet, just to review the work later.

The favicon is essential just to give visitors an idea of the visual cue and to help them orient themselves. It helps them find their desired data and return to the tab.

If you don’t integrate it with your website, you will lose a large number of potential customers.

Poor Web Design causes Slow Website

If your website is taking more than four seconds to load then it is slow. One of its major causes is poor web design. 

Google stated that around 70% of the websites take seven seconds or more to load. Their research also showed that a slow website increases the bounce rate.

According to Google, the load time of three seconds is the best practice that all business owners should follow.

Large image files are one of the causes of a slow website.

You need to ensure that while designing banners and images for the website, resize the images.

It will surely improve the load time of all web pages and make your website work smoothly. Your website speed also impacts search engine rankings.

Not Optimizing Website Design for Google Search/SEO

Building a website should focus on user interaction and bots/crawlers to index your content correctly for organic results.

So, the fundamentals of making an SEO-friendly website are ensuring search engines or crawlers have access to content and easily understand it.

Integrate proper components to your website design by following the SEO standard guidelines set by Google.

When designing a website, use proper headings to let users and search engines understand the content under every heading. Search engines detect content by understanding the heading as a Keyword and the content that must be related per google guidelines for the specific keywords. 

Use of Carousels by Home Page

The carousel is the list of cards that can be modified to show the content on the web page.

Carousels are not always harmful but become a headache when your home page starts scrolling automatically.

Carousels are conversion killers because they appear as ads and reduce visibility. They distract visitors and push them away from your website, decreasing the conversion rate.

It also affects Google’s website crawl ability and negatively impacts SEO. They generally don’t work well on mobile phones and other gadgets.

404 Pages 

A 404 page not found means that the server is not showing the website that holds it. 

If you have 404 pages on your website, they are silently killing web traffic.

The statistical study showed that most site owners don’t take this issue seriously.

With this issue, users are mostly expected to leave your site and never return.

Unclear Fonts

If the fonts of your website content are untidy and not clear, then it will affect cognitive fluency. It is the process of understanding the information.

If the information on your website is easy for visitors to understand, it will surely improve page views. 

Font issue on a website increases the cognitive load which is not good for website performance.

Wrong Use of Whitespace

If you want to learn how to use whitespace properly, look at how Google uses it to divert users' attention to the most important thing. They smartly shift users’ focus to finding their desired information.     

Appropriate use of whitespace improves comprehension and readability, increasing attention and clarity on your website. 

The right balance in whitespaces helps to fulfill the visitors’ purpose. Too much or too little whitespace kills the focus and clarity.

Website Design Legal Issues  

Not only graphics and image issues are linked to web designing. There are some legal aspects that you must know to address the concerns of website visitors. 

Having no privacy policy on a website is one of the major legal issues in website design that you must take seriously.

When visitors visit your website, they expect to see a privacy policy to know you have a plan to protect them. It shows how you will use their personal information, so it plays a key role to build your credibility in customers' eyes.  

Also, ensure a clear return policy and warranty information are on your website.

Return policy and warranty are designed to enhance sales by encouraging visitors to take a risk with you.

If your website does not have a return policy, your customers will not know how you will handle any unlikely situation.

Website Design Issues in Ecommerce

Regarding ecommerce websites, you will face unique web designing hurdles that need to be addressed.

Firstly, your ecommerce website should process customer payments by providing them with convenient options and features.

Users have different preferences, from credit card to debit, Visa to Mastercard.

Your ecommerce website design should be flexible to ensure smooth payment processing for customers. It is a big challenge, so check out all possible considerations.

Another challenge you will face in ecommerce website design is automating the inventory into it. It will save you time and minimize errors when you have tons of products to manage.

List down all the website design issues in ecommerce that you can encounter before starting to work on it.

Final Words

If you are looking to build an ROI-driven website, the critical points mentioned above will help you avoid issues and make the right decisions.

Most businesses find it hard to design a website that drives revenue and traffic simultaneously.

Designing a profitable website is not rocket science, but you need to put in the effort to achieve the desired results.

Hopefully, this guide will help you build a customer-centric website by overcoming all the obstacles you face.

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